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For many years I used a homemade palette in my studio. I was constantly looking for the best palette for working on plein air. I probably tried everything that is on the market. Each palette had different flaws, but I was looking for the ideal one.


As a result, the breakthrough palette design came.


The thing is that for sketches and plein air (especially when it comes to small groups) artists usually use a limited number of colors. For example, when in the studio I prefer a set of twelve pre-mixed pigments, while for sketches 6 or 8 is enough. The palette also must be of compact (pocket) size, just a bit larger than a standard cellphone.


Also, constantly rattling and dangling plastic pans annoy everyone. 


Almost all my colleagues suggested those improvements. I added some personal preferences to them. For example, I don’t like plastic palettes at all. Even if the quality is good, the feeling that I am holding something from the dollar store persists. The wooden texture feels much better. 


Thus, the Eco-Palette project was conceived. 


We made more than a dozen different prototypes, trying various changes until we came up with what you see in the photo. Many improvements occurred almost accidentally, for example, tilting the section with pigments. When water and mixtures accumulated in the pans in the process of drawing, I had to slightly tilt the palette myself to get my brush to the pure pigment. Now, this palette does it for me.


The original Eco-Palette was created for sketches. So, I needed an alternative palette with more colors to use in the studio. After years of development, I finally launched my Studio Eco-Palette!

© 2024 Michael Solovyev Studio

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